nel mondo




D. Radini Tedeschi
“Itinerari d’arte contemporanea. Dalla crisi alla figurazione attraverso la Triennale di Roma 2011”
Ed. Rosa dei Venti, Roma, 2011





the 5th Art Edition
“International Contemporary Masters Volume V”
World wide art book, Santa Barbara, CA, 2011


“International Dictionary of Artists 2012”
World wide art book, Santa Barbara, CA
“Catalogue of Quotations 2011-2012”
Casa Alba Edition, Ferrara


Appeared in the Cover, Back and inside pages (with 7 pages)
on the “Catalogue of Contemporary Art“
2012 Edited by the Santa Sara Academy of Alessandria 2012 .
She received the positive review of its President,
the renowned Art Critic Flavio De Gregorio


20 – 24 June 2017
Collective Exhibition, “2° Biennale di Genova”, Palazzo Stella, Genova

2 August – 28 September 2014
Collective Exhibition, “Artcevia international Art Festival” 7th edition, Arcevia, AN

20 – 24 May 2014
2014 Collective Exhibition, “6th Biennale of Contemporary Art in Montecarlo 2014”, Montecarlo

1-12 May 2013
Exhibition “Colour”, Arco Amoroso Showroom, Ancona

26 April – 9 May 2013
Collective Exhibition, “Salon de Printemps 2013”, Galerie Thuillier, Paris, France

16 January – 24 April 2013
Exhibition, Vecchia Osteria, Marotta, PU

7 September – 30 October 2012
Exhibition, Casa Vinicola Garofoli, Castelfidardo, AN

28 July – 12 August 2012
Exhibition, Ritz Hotel, Senigallia, AN

4 December 2011 – 15 January 2012
Collective Exhibition, Arearte Gallery, Senigallia, AN

4 – 13 October 2011
Collective Exhibition, “Triennale of Rome 2011. International Exhibition of Visual Arts”, Complesso Monumentale Museale Galleria l’Agostiniana, Rome

23 – 25 September 2011
Collective Exhibition, “Spazio Arte Solidale ”, Chiostro di S.Paterniano, Fano, PU

2 – 10 July 2011
II National Art Exposition “Artisti Insieme”, Chiostro di Sant’Agostino, Mondolfo, PU

19 February – 15 March 2011
Exhibition “LIBRIinMENTE”,” Libreria del barbiere”, Pesaro

21 – 30 December 2010
Exhibition – Palace of Congress, Jesi, AN

28 November – 11 December 2010
Exhibition, “Libreria Rinascita”, Ascoli Piceno

2 – 15 August 2010
Collective Exhibition, “Sala Arcobaleno”, Marotta, PU

3 – 11 July2010
National Art Exposition “Artisti Insieme”, Chiostro di Sant’Agostino, Mondolfo, PU

22 December 2009 – 29 January 2010
Exhibition “BART:Banca Arte Territorio”, “BCC Fano” Filiale Marotta, PU

13 June – 5 July 2009
Exhibition, “Pu-rì”, Mondolfo, PU CONCORSI

15 – 30 October 2011
Winner of the “Critics Award”, 13^ International Art Award SAN CRISPINO, Porto Sant’ Elpidio, FM

Awarded by the Santa Sara Academy “Diploma di Maestro h.c. e Titolo al merito dell’Accademia Santa Sara”, AL